This episode is all about getting older. We talk about how old we are now (34 and 35, respectively), how we feel about being in our thirties, what our bodies are like, what we’re afraid of and excited about around getting older, and what advice we’d give our younger selves. Just look at cute we […]
Episode 29. “White Feminism”
What is white feminism, and why is it a problem? In this episode we discuss our own revelations about white feminism, why it’s problematic, and how white women can take active steps towards allyship. (Look for a full list of resources at the bottom of these show notes.) We begin by discussing a short video […]
Episode 28. “Our Listener Request Episode”
In our final episode of 2018 we answer *your* questions! Why Church? What do we mean by “church home”? Do you choose friends just like you? Or do opposites attract? Would you ever consider interviewing a conservative white woman on the show? We also share some of our favorite Advent resources “Angels We Have Heard […]
Episode 27. “Reimagining the Binary: Gender Identity and Expression with Dr. Robyn Henderson-Espinoza”
On this episode we work on expanding our understanding of gender by breaking free of the gender binary. Gender is so embedded in our culture that many of us forget that it’s a construct rather than a given. We’re thrilled to have our friend Dr. Robyn Henderson-Espinoza–a Latinx scholar, queer activist, and public theologian–join us […]